Saturday, July 7, 2007


Houston rains are nice when brief and cooling. The rains have come for several days and then, the sun shows up to make matters worse. The sun does not beat down to torment us after these heavy rains, instead it causes the water to loose itself from a liquid state to a gaseous form. I think most of us are distilled by now. It is also that time of year when cars begin to have, issues. This year the theme of our fate is electrical. The minivan that smells like spoiled milk, has been fermenting in this wet, humid heat. We have been debating on whether to call a tow truck or not. It use to be so easy on making decisions like that. The starter or the battery. See, at one time, years ago, it was not so complicated, however it seems some vehicles have become - lets say - picky about how many amps it needs to start. I don't want to be confused with someone who may actually know what that means. I argued with fervor at first. Then, as if an old man was told "Grandpa, you can use the remote, you don't need to go all the way to the tv", I was shut down with the new concept that starters will just click if they don't have a certain amount of amps. So, we went to Walmart and purchased a new battery. I'm wondering if they put smell sensors inside the cars to alert us when something is wrong. That would explain the smell and make sense. That would be a better idea than the flashing orange-red lights on the dash board. The smell would actually provoke some action like what we are dong now. Well, I'm cleaning the engine block off today too. My theory is, that maybe some smells are taken up from the engine block and, by making it smell better, the van may smell better.

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