Sunday, January 27, 2008


Wondering where all the days are going. I find it interesting that sometimes I feel like writing and sometimes I don't even want to bother. I have my diary from 2004 that I have tried to keep a running log of events. In 2004, I am convinced I was a pain in the rear to many close to me. I read some parts of the diary and, well, I was "post-op". Four years ago is not that long, is it?

Well, I am now determined to have more wisdom than judgement (I think). Well, I'm not much on words (once again), but wanted to post something.

I am working on some cabinets for fun. Going to brick veneer the wall to give it a cool brick look. I'll post the before and after.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

read your tale or "dog blog" and had to comment.
you should never name a dog with a name like chewy. Poor dog. With a name like that its a self fullfilling prophecy that he will be compelled to chew. The same reason you wouldn't name a dog digger, or poopsie. It is really animal cruelty. Why couldn't lizzy's parents name him King or sweetie pie? How irresponsible. So sad chewy was taken away.
well, gotta go, ruff is barking!