Thursday, September 13, 2007

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer

I have fancied some ideas on which to base some revenge toward people you work with. Should you become disgruntled, this may be a safe approach. These thoughts came running out of my mind like a water pistol shooting a moving plastic duck at the state fair. Or something like that.
1) Don't wear deodorant-better yet, get a little onion and wipe it under your arms, go to work
2) Don't brush you teeth for two days, eat meat mostly, go to work
3) While at work keep whistling the little tune "the worms crawl in the worms crawl out" over &
over, soon everyone will be doing it, even on the trip home.
4) Keep telling people "somebody moved my pen" every 5 minutes
5) Sniffle, sniffle, sniffle. I think my son does this to get back at me, IT WORKS! Sniffle
6) If your fortunate to answer the phone and you don't have a clue what they want, put them on
hold and tell someone "this call is for you". This is great in a psych hospital
7) Go find the vacuum cleaner, start vacuuming. If anyone complains tell them, "You may
live like this at home, but not me".
8) If someone is asking you a questions and a coworker comes out and is in your sights, point
and say he/she probably doesnt know, I'll try and find out. Say this softly so they don't hear.
They will ask you, why were you pointing at me? Say "I don't remember"
9) Floss your teeth at work in front of everyone-especially if you didn't brush them
10) Consider sabatoge:
A: Tape a piece of shrimp in the area where someone works, hid it real good!
B: Find some dog poo or cow poo (whatever) get some water mix just a little and pour it into
the mouthpiece of their phone. Only the smell will be left.
C: Talk on the phone and metion a persons name, then begin to whisper
D: On paper work you find, put the persons name you have a problem with saying for
example: "Terry did this one". Even if there is nothing wrong.
E: If you talk to someone who seems irritated ask them if they took their medicine
F: Stand next to the person and pretend they let out a real stinker. Start waving in the air
toward them, slowly walk away, telling them "I'll come back".
The last one may be a bit much. So, anyways. My thoughts. More to come.


Anonymous said...

Did I mention they're closing my corporate office and letting me go? I may yet try some of these :)

Jaedpact said...

When I worked at Brakenridge in Austin each of the nurses carried a cellular phone. That way were knew who owned us at all times. Well Austin is a weird Town Full of recently licensed 20 something year old nurses. We decided that the best way to pass the "dead hour" (3 A.M.) was to find some ones unclaimed cell, cover the ear piece with just the slightest bit of KY jelly and give it a call. Some times its good to be one of two male nurses on a shift!@!