Friday, August 3, 2007

Mad cow disease

The inevitable has occured. Worked very long and hard hours in order to make less. I am not quite certain how that occured, but it did. The same story where you are penalized for making more. It's ok though. I needed to cut back on hours anyways. I'm thinking that I may be asked to work this weekend and I will decline.
The cable man is suppose to be here between 8 and 12. Good thing I don't need to sleep. It never fails that I reside further out than everyone else and they arrive at the very last minute. It seems I have always lived further out or usually last on everyones list. When you live as far out as I do, it seems to intrude upon so many aspects of life. Lets take, for example, gasoline. It is more expensive the farther away you live. It begs the question, but I will not entertain logic today. The gas is not the only problem (ofcourse). The mileage on my car is higher the more you get away. I get much less miles per gallon out here, too. Sounds weird, I know. Maybe that is why groceries are so expensive. I have noticed milk is getting up there too. Now, I figure that I live, say, dead center of some desert in Arizona. Actually, less than a mile we have a huge oil company. No wells, just the corporate offices. You would think we would ride on the coat tails of these execs. No, no. I have also discovered that right down the street, in walking distance, is a cable TV truck. I think he lives there, because it is always parked in the driveway. Maybe its a new marketing technique, I don't know. If not, he must have quite a few calls in our neighborhood. Oh, Borden Milk company is right in Conroe, just off of 75 near the great city of Conroe. I would hate to live any closer to anyone of these. Could you imagine the expense. Here is what I'm going to propose at the next Woodland Corp board meeting. I ran this through my Lawyer in India (much cheaper cause its far away?).
I would like to propose that all access between Oil Corporations and Filling Stations (hadn't heard that in awhile) be rerouted in order to reduce the price of gasoline. Also, any company trucks belonging to commercial industry, must be parked atleast 40 (good number) miles away from my house or be taxed the amount of difference in gasoline from wherever far away is. Then, reduce teet expression from the heffers to help defray the weight in milk trucks carrying their goods, subsequently obtaining better gas mileage thereby ultimately lowering the mpg's in those large trucks. I would propose that we squeeze the teets ourselves, but I am sure that would raise the price of gas and bring the cable trucks closer. Furthermore, in order to improve delivery of services, all techinicians for major corporations such as Comcast, SBC, Dish TV Etc. . . should truck pool to servicing neighborhoods (you know like those kids that try and sell the magazines) and walk around providing quicker service. The cable services tech. would start at say, MY HOUSE. Then proceed down the street. While at the other end the SBC phone guy, could be walking this way. We could throw in a milkman should this really take off. Then, we could get all services one right after another without a break in the action. No more, 8-12. Cable guy at 8am, 9am the gas meter reader, followed by 10am phone company man, 11am that snot nosed kid trying to sign me up for some magazine so he can go to the Bahama's. 12 PM, you could toss in say, the milkman or the mexican yard workers. At 1pm they could all eat lunch together in my front yard at $20.00 a plate for scrambled eggs and cheese. Usually the price would be $8.00, but where does cheese come from? If they need me to get some gas for their lawn mowers I could charge a nominal fee of say, $4.50 a gallon since I live so close to the gas station. Well that would be my new community association proposal. May not seem to make much sense. I kind of figure those companies ride sharing will understand, right? Why, if anyone should, it would be them. Three hours left.

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